Welcome to the
next level of IT
Every feature and every tool you need - RMM, PSA, Remote Access, Billing, and Reporting.
Easy to use
Onboard in 5 minutes to an Intuitive help desk that helps you finish tasks in no time.
Unlimited devices
Master unlimited devices while paying per user with our super friendly pricing packages.
IT Automations
Embrace the power of Atera’s IT smart automation tools to create easy processes and easy life.
One solution built
for I.T. professionals

Full control from one platform
Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)
Monitor and manage unlimited devices anytime, anywhere — from a single dashboard.
Professional Services Automation
Simplify your tasks and communication with intuitive billing, helpdesk, and reporting.
Remote Access
Start sessions instantly and easily with AnyDesk, Splashtop, TeamViewer, or ScreenConnect.
Patch Management
Automate Windows, Mac, and other software and OS patches on your end-users’ devices.
Our user-friendly helpdesk and ticketing system is built for IT departments.
Network Discovery
Always-updating Network Discovery provides complete security scans of all your networks.