When you use an IT software solution with a rapid release cycle like Atera, it can be tough to keep up with all the great new features and functionality! That’s why we love our regular Latest Release Webinars, where our Customer Success team provides a walkthrough of how to get up and running quickly with the latest tricks and tools, all to make your life simpler as an IT service provider.


If you didn’t get a chance to tune in this week to hear Aryeh and Yakov discuss the latest updates, here’s your recap!


Calendar Integration


We’ve added something super special… You can now create an event from within tickets! Select the Action drop-down button, and hover over the New calendar event and you’ll be able to choose a calendar, either Outlook or Google Calendar. At the moment we have two-way integration with Outlook, and one-way with Google Calendar.

You’ll be prompted to log in and taken to the event creation page. If you have a shared calendar where a whole team or multiple staff have access, be sure that the right calendar is selected from the drop-down menu at the top. Also note that the Atera iteration number [ATERA #####] needs to stay the same, as that is what will link the event to the ticket. Other than that number, the event name can be edited, as well as the date, time, attendees, and more. Within the body of the event, you’ll see an automatic link to the relevant ticket so that you can check what this is related to. Once you click save, the event will be added to your calendar.


At the moment, you can also integrate from your Office 365 calendar to see events within Atera, with Google Calendar coming soon! Head to calendar integration, and from the drop-down list just select the calendar of your choice and you’ll be all synced up! Now when you go back to the tickets you can see on the right-hand side the event that you’ve created.


AI Ticket Tagging


Automatic AI ticket tagging works behind the scenes to categorize and filter your tickets in a smart way. You’ll see by the purple lightning bolts which tags are auto-tags. Aryeh showed us a cool example where you have a hypothetical printer whiz kid working on your team. You can go to admin, click on ticket automation rules, and create a rule called “dispatch printer-related tickets” where all tickets that are auto-assigned “printer” will be sent to the right technician. You can also auto-set the priority of these tickets, so they are handled according to your SLA.


For those who would prefer not to use AI auto-tags, just navigate to Admin/Settings/Tickets and deselect “Enable auto ticket tagging”. When you go back to the ticket, you’ll see the tag has disappeared. Don’t worry, AI ticket tagging still works in the background so you can re-enable ticket auto-tagging whenever you want to give it another try!


Patch, Search, and Deploy


As requested by a lot of customers, you now have the ability to filter patches by “all”. Instead of selecting a specific KB, you can now click on all, and Atera will generate a view of all available patches, both already patched and currently unpatched for that customer. You can use the “all” selection to install them from the report or pick them one by one according to your needs.


Another addition to patch automation is that any patches for software installed through Atera can now be pushed through Chocolatey or Homebrew, and added to patch automation IT profiles. This is really useful when using software bundles, for example, onboarding a new client or adding new devices. You can simply select a list of software and any patches that are available will be patched. If “update all” is selected, we do have certain software that will be updated regardless of installation type, for example, Chrome, Zoom, Acrobat, and more.


Network Discovery for Workgroups


Network Discovery for Workgroups is currently in an Open Beta! Up until now this feature only worked with a domain controller, but now it is able to be used with any device that has an Atera agent installed, to fully scan your networks. Simply select a customer, select the device you prefer, and start the scan. (Tip: If you have multiple subnets make sure you have multiple scans running to get your results faster.)


Once the results come in, you’ll be able to see a breakdown of the whole workgroup, including OS versions, devices connected to the network, workstations and servers, SNMP devices, and as usual – your opportunities for added monitoring and upsell ideas such as aging hard disks.


Other Updates for October


What else is new? Glad you asked!


  • Roles and permissions: Add device editing permissions for your technicians
  • API capabilities: Create and add folders to your customers using APIs
  • Work from home: See at a glance how many people are using WFH
  • Auth0: Make the log-in process even more secure for you and your clients


If there’s something that you want to see in Atera, make sure to vote for it on the features board, or add it to the board if it’s yet to be suggested! We’ll notify you when the status changes. Meanwhile, join our active Facebook, Reddit, and Slack communities, where you can get access to decision-makers and network with the Atera community.


Want to see a live demo of how some of these great new features work or hear the Q&A? You can watch the whole webinar right here:




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