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Mac Patch Management made easy

Effortlessly manage and secure your Windows and macOS devices with Atera's patch management, enabling you to view, upgrade, and maintain your installed patches with ease.

Mac Patch Management

What is Patch Management for Mac?

Patch Management for Mac is a process that involves managing and installing software updates, also known as patches, on macOS devices. Patch Management for Mac ensures that your macOS devices are up to date with the latest patches, reducing the risk of security breaches and ensuring optimal performance.

  • Ensure software and hardware are up to date
  • Stay updated with cybersecurity best practices
  • Avoid disruptions to business continuity
  • Automate patch installs to save time
  • Handle crucial driver updates
  • Get notified about available patches for your managed devices
Patch Mangaement Dasboard of Atera

Comprehensive reporting for MacOS

Keeping track of MacOS patching is easy with Atera’s reporting suite. With three powerful reports, you can track patching posture in detail and even install missing patches.

  • With Patch, Search, and Deploy, you can search by customer, knowledge base, description, or agent
  • The Patch Status Summary shows all agents that are up-to-date, and a list of all patches that need to be applied
  • You can tweak settings for full coverage by using Patch Automation Feedback to identify any patches that didn’t work
Reporting for Mac on Ateras dashboard

MacOS and IT automation

Patch Management for MacOS is a crucial process that helps protect your IT environment from cyberattacks or other vulnerabilities. By automating the patching process, you can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches. Automating patch management ensures that your Mac devices are promptly updated with the latest patches, closing any security gaps.

  • Set schedules at a regular cadence for full flexibility and maintenance control
  • Separate tasks for different device groups
  • Automate software installation using HomeBrew for Mac
  • Create specific IT automation profiles
  • See at a glance if a patch didn’t update as planned
IT automation for Mac Patch Management

MacOS software bundles

In addition to managing patches on your MacOS devices, you can use IT automation profiles to install software bundles on your end-user devices, which can greatly simplify and expedite critical repeatable tasks. Whether it’s onboarding new users or setting up a specific department, software bundles allow you to work smarter and faster by leveraging automation at scale.

  • Create customized software bundles for different groups, teams, or departments
  • Install new software across multiple endpoints
  • Patch installation across a software bundle with one click
  • Ensure full control by excluding patches where necessary
  • Devices and agents can be automatically deployed with existing bundles
Mac Software bundels

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Comprehensive reporting

Become the master of your IT universe, and generate on-demand or automated reports that track and measure end-users’ networks, assets, system health, and overall performance.

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Linux Patch Management

Package Manager. Say goodbye to vulnerabilities and welcome a seamless, hassle-free approach to keeping your systems up-to-date and secure.

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