Wake-on-LAN lets you turn on and/or wake up computers via another device on the local area network. The computer will wake when triggered by a special LAN/WLAN signal.
Possible values for the WakeOnLAN attribute modified in this script:
- LANOnly: Allow the computer to be turned on by special LAN signals.
- Disabled: Do not allow the computer to turn on by special LAN signals when it receives a wake-up signal from the LAN/WLAN.
- LanWithPXEBoot: Allow the computer to be turned on by special WLAN signals and immediately boot to PXE.
To make BIOS configuration easily manageable through the Windows PowerShell interface, this script will install the DellBIOSProvider module, which can be used with both Windows 10 and 11.
The script will then check whether the computer supports wake-on-LAN by testing the path
<p style=”overflow-wrap: break-word;”>{dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan}</p>
. If the computer supports wake-on-LAN, it will set its value to LANOnly, allowing the computer to be turned by LAN signals. Otherwise, it will return the message, “Computer does not support WakeOnLAN”.
To disable wake-on-LAN, replace:
{Set-Item -Path dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan LANOnly}
{Set-Item -Path dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan Disabled}
To use LanWithPXEBoot, replace “
{Set-Item -Path dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan LANOnly}
{Set-Item -Path dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan LanWithPXEBoot}
The Script:
Atera does not guarantee the integrity, availability, security, virus-free, safety, lawfulness, non-infringement, rights’ status, or functionality of the scripts. The use of the shared scripts is at your own risk. Scripts are provided “AS IS”. *
set-executionpolicy -executionpolicy Bypass -Force
if (-not ((Get-WmiObject win32_bios).Manufacturer -like "Dell*")){
Write-host "Command must be run against a Dell computer" exit 1
if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name DellSMBios)){
Install-Module -Name DellBiosProvider -Force
Import-Module DellBiosProvider
if(Test-Path dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan){
Set-Item -Path dellsmbios:\PowerManagement\WakeOnLan LANOnly
Write-host "Computer does not support WakeOnLAN"
Technical Notes:
- Admin permissions needed to run this script.
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 is required to run this script.
- The script can only be executed on certain devices. Click here to see a list of supported devices.
- This feature only works when the computer is connected to AC.